Updating SEO

Let's begin updating the website information. deco.cx allows you, through the Admin, to change content without the need for code changes, and this is done through the concept of Blocks.

The first Block we can edit is the site, an App from deco that configures and prepares a project to operate as a website on the internet. This block configures important metadata about the page, including SEO data and title, description, and thumbnail (this information is used in social media previews).

Conveniently, on the Site detail page in deco, you can preview how the SEO is configured.

To edit it, click on Edit in the upper right corner. You will be redirected to the block editing page.

SEO Editing

Our block editor is divided into two sections:

  1. Form: edit the information that the people who created the block made available for editing on the right sidebar.
  2. Preview: when applicable, preview how your block will be rendered on the left side.

In the top bar of the page, you have access to:

  • Address bar: test specific URLs for the block you are editing (useful for product pages, for example).

And in the sidebar, you can select other views of the page:

  • Performance Metrics: see which resources this block is using and the amount of JavaScript being sent to the browser.
  • Revisions: access the version history of the edited content.
  • JSON Editor: edit form data as JSON.
  • Preview mode:: disable the automatic overlay on the preview to test interactive elements of the block.


All changes you make in the form are automatically reflected in the preview on the left. When you are editing pages, you can also use the preview to select specific sections and reorder them directly on the page.

Editing SEO

Edit the title, description, and image of your site's SEO according to what you are building and ensure that social media previews are as expected. You can try different versions to see what suits you best.

After that, click the Publish button in the upper right to create a new revision of this block. Revisions are immutable versions of the data edited in deco and are used to track and roll back changes over time. Learn more about them here.

There you go! Now your site has updated SEO data, and you have learned how to edit a block in deco.cx.